王宇 李宏田 于丽霞 徐高生 葛华 白满喜 刘建蒙
【摘要】 目的采用横断面研究设计,调查我国沿海、湖区和内陆地区孕妇水产品摄入情况。方法2014年5~7月在我国山东威海市(沿海)、湖南岳阳市(湖区)和内蒙古包头市(内陆)三地,募集孕中期[孕(17.0 ±2.0)周]和孕晚期[孕(39.0 ± 2.0)周]本市常住妇女804名,妇女年龄在18~35周岁,单胎妊娠;排除本次妊娠孕16周后仍剧烈呕吐、有严重心、肝、肾、肺,或严重精神疾患(县级及以上诊断)、对鱼虾贝类等食物过敏者。采用iPad电子食物频率问卷调查孕妇近1个月内的水产品摄入情况。采用Kruskal-WallisH和Wilcoxon秩和检验比较孕妇水产品摄入量的地区和孕期差异。结果沿海、湖区、内陆地区孕妇总水产品摄入量中位数依次为59.2 g/d、46.7 g/d、16.7 g/d,内陆孕妇总水产品摄入量低于沿海和湖区孕妇(P<0.05)。沿海、湖区、内陆地区孕中期妇女总水产品摄入量中位数依次为51.7 g/d、51.7 g/d、16.7 g/d,孕晚期妇女依次为80.8 g/d、42.5 g/d、16.7 g/d,沿海地区孕晚期妇女总水产品摄入量高于孕中期妇女(P<0.001),湖区与内陆地区的孕晚期和孕中期妇女总水产品摄入量差异未见统计学意义。多重线性回归显示,除地域因素外,孕妇水产品摄入量还与家庭人均年收入、民族相关(P<0.05)。三地孕妇食用的水产品种类不同。沿海地区孕妇最常食用的前三种水产品依次为蛤蜊、对虾、皮皮虾,湖区为鲫鱼、小龙虾、鳝鱼,内陆为鲤鱼、鲫鱼、虾皮;三地孕妇食用水产品的种类数量也不同(P<0.05),沿海地区中位数为10种,湖区为7种,内陆为5种。结论沿海和湖区孕妇总水产品摄入量均在推荐摄入量范围之内(中国一般人群:40.0~75.0 g/d[1];美国孕妇和乳母:32.4~48.6 g/d[2]),但内陆孕妇偏低,提示尤其宜加强对内陆孕妇的膳食指导与健康教育工作。
【关键词】现况研究; 膳食调查; 水产品; 孕妇
水产品指水产(海洋、江河、湖泊等)动植物及其加工产品。其中,水生动物类产品不仅可提供丰富蛋白质、维生素B12、维生素D,还富含n-3系列的多不饱和脂肪酸(polyunsaturated fatty acid, PUFA)[3]。n-3 PUFA可改善中枢神经系统功能,有益于精神和心理健康[4];二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaenoic acid, DHA)是n-3 PUFA中重要脂肪酸,是大脑和视网膜组织的重要结构和功能性成分,在生命早期对胎儿生长发育有重要作用[5]。水产品是n-3 PUFA的主要食物来源,与母体和子代健康关系密切。孕妇水产品摄入量不足可增加母亲围产期抑郁[6]、子代早产和低出生体重发生风险[7-8],甚至影响子代视觉[9]和神经系统发育[10]。有关孕妇水产品摄入情况的研究多见于欧美[11-13],国内则鲜有报道。国内既往研究多采用全谱膳食频率问卷,调查对象多为一般人群,未见有关孕妇群体水产品摄入情况的专项研究。另外,孕妇水产品摄入情况可能因地区而异,未见有关孕妇水产品摄入量的专项对比研究。为此,本文选择了沿海、湖区和内陆三个地区同时开展现况调查,以了解不同地区孕妇水产品摄入水平,比较地区和孕期差异,为今后指导孕期保健工作提供参考数据。
本研究为横断面调查。2014年5月至7月,在山东威海市(沿海)、湖南岳阳市(湖区)、内蒙古包头市(内陆)的4家医院募集调查到妇产科门诊就诊的孕中期[孕(17.0 ± 2.0)周]和孕晚期[孕(39.0 ± 2.0)周]妇女804人。这4家医院为威海市妇幼保健院、岳阳市妇幼保健院、内蒙古科技大学包头医学院第一附属医院和包钢集团第三职工医院。
研究对象的纳入标准为:(1)18~35周岁的健康女性;(2)妊娠(17.0 ± 2.0)周、(39.0 ± 2.0)周;(3)本市常住人口;(4)单胎妊娠。排除标准为:(1)本次妊娠孕16周后,仍剧烈呕吐(限于孕中期组);(2)有严重心、肝、肾、肺,或严重精神疾患(县级及以上诊断);(3)对鱼虾贝类等食物过敏;(4)过去30 d内或正在参加其他科研项目。研究方案经北京大学生物医学伦理委员会审核批准(IRB00001052-14012),所有参加者均签署了知情同意书。
1.水产品定义与资料收集:水产品包括水生动物类产品(如鱼虾蟹贝等)和水生植物类产品(如海带、紫菜等)。本研究中的水产品仅指富含n-3 PUFA的水生动物类产品,根据其来源分两类,即海产品和淡水产品。海产品来自海洋,淡水产品则源于江河、湖泊等淡水水体。
资料收集包括基本信息调查和食物频率问卷调查两部分。采用纸质问卷收集孕妇一般人口学资料,包括出生日期、身高、孕前体重和本次检查体重、民族、受教育水平、末次月经时间等。采用iPad电子食物频率问卷(food frequency questionnaire, FFQ)调查孕妇近1个月内的水产品摄入情况。FFQ是依据《2009中国食物成分表》[14]而编制,包括蛤蜊、对虾、虾皮等75种海产品和鲫鱼、鲤鱼、小龙虾等38种淡水产品;水产品摄入频率选项有12个:每月1、2、3次,每周1、2、3、4、5、6次,每天1、2、3次;水产品摄入量选项有8个:平均每次摄入25 g、50 g、75 g、100 g、125 g、150 g、200 g、250 g。
2.统计学处理:孕周、年龄、身高、孕前BMI等符合或近似正态分布的计量资料用均数±标准差表示。水产品摄入量和摄入种数等不符合正态分布的用中位数(四分位数间距)表示;为了便于与既往研究比较,亦给出了平均数。民族、受教育程度等计数资料用构成比(%)表示。采用Kruskal-WallisH和Wilcoxon秩和检验比较孕妇水产品摄入量的地区差异和孕期差异。采用多重线性回归探索孕妇水产品摄入量的影响因素。采用SPSS 20.0软件进行统计分析,统计显著性水平为双侧P<0.05。
沿海、湖区、内陆地区孕妇总水产品摄入量中位数依次为59.2 g/d、46.7 g/d、16.7 g/d。三地平均摄入量亦呈现相似的结果,沿海最高,为(78.4 ± 65.8)g/d;湖区次之,为(69.8±107.2)g/d;内陆最低,为(33.0±65.0)g/d。沿海地区孕妇总水产品摄入量的85.1%(66.7/78.4)为海产品,湖区和内陆孕妇淡水产品摄入量分别占总水产品摄入量的90.3%(63.0/69.8)、65.8%(21.7/33.0)。
Table 1Maternal characteristics by region and the stage of pregnancy
MP=mid-pregnancy; LP= late-pregnancy;*25.4% (35/138)of the data was missing;#15.4% (21/136)of the data was missing
Table 2Aquatic foods intake by region and the stage of pregnancy (g/d)
MP=mid-pregnancy; LP= late-pregnancy;*P<0.05, means or medians for women lived in the coastland versus inland were compared;#P<0.05, means or medians for women lived in the lakeland versus inland were compared;△P<0.05, means or medians for women lived in the coastland versus lakeland were compared;§P<0.05, means or medians for mid-pregnancy women versus late-pregnancy women were compared
Table 3Multiple linear regression of total aquatic foods intake on maternal demographic characteristics
β=regression coefficient; ref=reference category; MP=mid-pregnancy; LP=late-pregnancy; BMI=body mass index;*The total aquatic foods intake was transformed through common logarithm before multiple linear regression
2005年在山东即墨(沿海)、江苏句容(湖区)和河南辉县(内陆)的调查显示,沿海、湖区和内陆孕妇总水产品摄入量中位数依次为100.0 g/d、116.2 g/d和9.2 g/d[15]。2009年在河南郑州(内陆)的调查显示,孕妇鱼虾类摄入量平均为17.3 g/d[16]。本次调查显示,我国沿海、湖区、内陆孕妇总水产品摄入量中位数依次为59.2 g/d、46.7 g/d、16.7 g/d。内陆孕妇水产品摄入量与既往调查结果相近,但沿海和湖区则较低,可能与调查期间威海海域和岳阳湖区正处禁渔期有关。尽管如此,我国沿海和湖区孕妇水产品摄入量与日本(50.9 g/d)[17]、冰岛(47.0 g/d)[18]相近,高于英国(32.8 g/d)[19]、美国(24.2 g/d)[20]这些发达国家,也高于牙买加(38.5 g/d)[21]、巴西(18.9 g/d)[22]等发展中国家。我国内陆孕妇水产品摄入量低于同属于发展中国家的波兰(20.0~25.7 g/d)[23]和墨西哥内陆地区(32.2 g/d)[24]。迄今为止,未见发达国家内陆地区孕妇水产品摄入量的相关报道。这种国家间差异可能与膳食习惯、水产品的可获得性与可支付性有关。另一方面,我国尚无针对孕妇群体的水产品推荐摄入值,只有针对一般人群推荐的鱼类摄入量(40.0~75.0 g/d)[1];2015年美国农业部针对孕妇和乳母推荐摄入海产品为32.4~48.6 g/d[2]。显然,我国沿海和湖区孕妇水产品摄入量均在推荐摄入范围内,但内陆孕妇摄入水平既远低于针对一般人群的我国推荐摄入量,也低于针对孕妇和乳母的美国推荐摄入值。考虑到我国经济发展快、市场供给丰富,“喜食肉类”的饮食习惯可能是导致内陆孕妇水产品摄入不足的主要因素,提示尤其宜加强对内陆孕妇的膳食指导与健康教育工作。
Table 4The top ten types of aquatic foods mostly consumed by region (%△)
*Seafoods;#freshwater foods;△percentage of pregnant women consuming aquatic food
Table 5The number of species of aquatic foods by region and the stage of pregnancy
MP=mid-pregnancy; LP=late-pregnancy;*P<0.05, means or medians for women lived in coastland versus inland were compared;#P<0.05, means or medians for women lived in lakeland versus inland were compared;△P<0.05, means or medians for women lived in coastland versus lakeland were compared;§P<0.05, means or medians for mid-pregnancy women versus late-pregnancy women were compared
本研究结果显示,沿海地区孕晚期妇女总水产品摄入量高于孕中期妇女。有关孕中期、孕晚期妇女总水产品摄入量的对比研究很少,仅见波兰一项研究报道孕晚期平均鱼类摄入量(25.2 g/d)高于孕早(中)期(19.8 g/d)[25]。在妊娠晚期胎儿生长发育加速,DHA大量快速沉积于胎儿大脑中(约70.0 mg/d),母体对营养物质的需求增大以满足胎儿生长发育需求[26]。然而,本研究未见湖区和内陆孕中期、孕晚期妇女总水产品摄入量有明显差异,提示该现象有待进一步验证。本研究发现,孕妇总水产品摄入量与家庭人均年收入、民族相关。美国一项研究亦显示家庭收入越高,其水产品摄入量也越高[27],这可能与水产品价格较高有关[28]。孕妇水产品摄入量的民族差异则可能与膳食习惯有关。
本研究结果显示,三地孕妇食用的水产品种类不同。沿海孕妇最常食用的前三种水产品为蛤蜊、对虾和皮皮虾,湖区为鲫鱼、小龙虾和鳝鱼,内陆为鲤鱼、鲫鱼和虾皮,这与既往报道相似。厦门市(沿海)一项研究显示,厦门居民最常食用的前三种水产品分别为花蛤、海蛎和鱿鱼(食用人数均>50%),这些均属于海产品[29]。武汉(湖区)一项研究显示,孕妇平均淡水鱼类摄入量(25.2 g/d)远高于咸水鱼类摄入量(3.3 g/d)[30]。本研究结果显示,沿海地区孕妇食用水产品种数最高(10种)、湖区次之(7种)、内陆最低(5种)。显然,孕妇水产品食用种类和种数因地区而异,这可能与地理环境、水资源分布、水产品的可及性和可支付性、饮食习惯等密切相关。
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WANG Yu,LI Hongtian,YU Lixia,XU Gaosheng,GE Hua,BAI Manxi,LIU Jianmeng.
Institute of Reproductive and Child Health/Ministry of Health Key Laboratory of Reproductive Health,School of Public Health,Peking University,Beijing100191,China
[Abstract]ObjectiveA cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the aquatic foods intake among pregnant women residing in coastland, lakeland, and inland area of China.Methods804 mid-pregnancy [(17.0 ± 2.0) weeks] and late-pregnancy [(39.0 ± 2.0) weeks] women from Weihai city (coastland), Yueyang city (lakeland) and Baotou city (inland) were enrolled and surveyed during May to July 2014; eligible women were 18~35 years old, local permanent residents and had singleton pregnancy, and women were excluded if they had been diagnosed with serious heart, liver, renal and pulmonary diseases, mental disorders, or sever vomiting after 16 weeks of gestation, and had aquatic foods allergy. An iPad-based electronic food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was applied to collect information on the aquatic foods consumed by each participant in the past month. Kruskal-WallisHand Wilcoxon rank sum test were used to test the inter-region and inter-pregnancy stage differences in the consumption of aquatic foods.ResultsThe median intake of total aquatic foods in coastland, lakeland and inland women were 59.2 g/d, 46.7 g/d, 16.7 g/d, respectively. The total aquatic foods intake in inland women was lower than that in coastland and lakeland women (P<0.05). The medians of total aquatic foods intake for mid-pregnancy women in coastland, lakeland and inland area were 51.7 g/d, 51.7 g/d, and 16.7 g/d, and for late-pregnancy women, 80.8 g/d, 42.5 g/d, and 16.7 g/d, respectively. In the coastland area, the total aquatic foods intake was higher in late-pregnancy women than in mid-pregnancy women (P<0.001), but significant differences were not observed for women lived in the lakeland and inland. Multiple linear regression showed that, in addition to the geographical factor, annual family income per capita and ethnicity was also significantly associated with the total aquatic foods intake of pregnant women (P<0.05). The types of most frequently consumed aquatic foods differed by the region. On average, 10 types of aquatic foods were commonly consumed in the coastland, 7 in the lakeland and 5 in the inland (P<0.05). The top three aquatic foods were clam, prawn, and mantis shrimp in the coastland; goldfish carp, crayfish and eel in the lakeland; common carp, goldfish carp and dried hairy shrimp in the inland.ConclusionThe aquatic foods intake for pregnant women lived in both coastland and lakeland accorded with available recommendations (China’s recommendation for general population:40.0-75.0 g/d[1]; the U.S recommendation for pregnant/lactating women:32.4-48.6 g/d[2]), but for women lived in the inland area was far below the recommended levels, indicating a need of strengthening dietary guidance and health education especially for pregnant women lived in the inland area.
[Key words]cross-sectional study; dietary guidance; aquatic foods; pregnant women
作者单位:100191 北京,北京大学生育健康研究所/卫生部生育健康重点实验室(王宇,李宏田,刘建蒙);北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系(王宇,李宏田,刘建蒙);威海市妇幼保健院妇产科(于丽霞);岳阳市妇幼保健院儿科(徐高生);内蒙古科技大学包头医学院第一附属医院妇产科(葛华);惠氏营养品(中国)有限公司(白满喜)