

谢婧 王斌 李智文 庄丽丽 郝翠芳 梁蓉 鹿群 闫赖赖 程子茜 张敬旭

摘要 目的 比较北京和山东省烟台两地行体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)妇女血清中有毒金属的浓度及可能的影响因素。方法研究对象为在北京大学人民医院和烟台毓璜顶医院首次行IVF-ET的妇女。在2015—2017年共募集305名,其中北京市127名,烟台178名。在妇女进入IVF-ET治疗周期前一天采集空腹静脉血并分离血清。采用电感耦合-等离子体质谱仪测定血清中五种有毒金属(砷、铬、镉、铅和汞)浓度。采用问卷调查,研究妇女的基本特征和饮食习惯。结果北京地区行IVF-ET手术妇女血清内有毒金属浓度分别为:砷浓度中位数(四分位数间距)10.1 (9.41,11.2) ng/ml、镉0.41 (0.15,0.50) ng/ml、汞0.23 (0.17,0.33) ng/ml、铅0.22 (0.15,0.33) ng/ml、铬0.35 (0.26,0.46) ng/ml;烟台地区妇女血清内有毒金属浓度分别为:砷11.6 (10.3,13.8) ng/ml、镉0.14 (0.11,0.17) ng/ml、汞0.29 (0.21,0.41) ng/ml、铅0.48 (0.30,1.71) ng/ml、铬0.24 (0.17,0.37) ng/ml。北京妇女血清中镉和铬的浓度显著高于烟台妇女,而烟台妇女体内砷、汞和铅的浓度水平显著高于北京妇女。总体而言,两地妇女人群体内的有毒重金属水平均低于普通人群。两地妇女人群特征及食用肉类(含海鲜)、新鲜蔬菜、新鲜水果、烧烤食品和煎炸食品频率等饮食习惯的差异均无统计学意义。结论北京和山东省烟台两地行IVF-ET手术的妇女血清中有毒金属浓度存在一定差异,但均不显著高于普通人群水平。本研究中未见膳食习惯影响妇女体内血清金属浓度分布。

关键词 有毒金属; 体外受精-胚胎移植; 血清; 膳食习惯

近年来,环境有毒金属污染引发的健康问题愈发受到人们的重视。砷、镉、汞、铅和铬是五种重要的有毒金属元素[1]。国内外研究发现,有毒金属暴露可造成妇女不良生殖结局,比如严重的铅暴露可引起不孕不育、流产、新生儿死亡和新生儿发育不全;孕期暴露于汞可导致胎儿汞中毒[2];人体内慢性镉累积可导致死产,孕期暴露于砷可导致习惯性流产、死产、新生儿死亡等不良结局[3-5]。膳食和饮水是摄入有毒金属暴露的重要途径[6-7]。不同地区人群膳食习惯的差异,可能是人群有毒金属摄入差异的主要因素[8]。体外受精-胚胎移植(in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, IVF-ET)是治疗不孕症的主要手段[9],目前缺乏有关行IVF-ET妇女体内有毒金属浓度水平的影响因素研究。本研究选择山东省烟台(沿海)和北京(内陆)两个典型城市的行IVF-ET手术妇女,调查其血清内有毒金属浓度水平,并探究膳食习惯是否影响妇女血清有毒金属浓度,为探讨有毒重金属对生殖健康的影响提供基础数据。



研究对象为2015—2017年北京大学人民医院和山东省烟台毓璜顶医院收治的首次在医院行IVF-ET的妇女,须符合下列募集条件:(1)年龄 ≤ 40岁;(2)18.5 kg/m2≤ BMI ≤ 28 kg/m2;(3)不孕年限 ≥ 1年;(4)进入IVF-ET治疗周期前3个月内没有接受过任何甾体类药物治疗;研究对象排除标准:(1)存在输卵管积水;(2)腺肌病;(3)甲状腺功能异常;(4)高泌乳素血症;(5)糖尿病(I型和II型);(6)心血管疾病;(7)盆腔结核。本研究共募集311名行IVF-ET手术的妇女,剔除6位未能有效提供血液标本的受试者,剩余305位妇女被纳入分析。该研究获北京大学人民医院和山东省烟台毓璜顶医院伦理委员会批准。



2.血样采集及血清有毒金属元素测定:在妇女进入IVF-ET治疗周期前一天采集空腹静脉血样品,分离血清。测定血清中砷、镉、汞、铅和铬等五种有毒金属的含量。用1%的硝酸将血清稀释20倍,混匀。采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(型号:DRC-II,美国Perkin Elmer公司)。雾化气流量:0.90 L/min,辅助气流量:1.5 L /min,等离子体气流量:15.0 L /min, 射频发生器功率:1 170 w,驻留时间:100 ms,样品提升量:1.1ml/min,扫描方式:单点跳峰,分辨率:0.7~0.9 aum。实验分析工作由北京大学生物医药卫生分析中心完成,相关操作流程通过中国计量认证(China metrology accreditation, CMA)批准通过。有毒金属浓度表示为中位数(四分位数间距)。

3. 统计学处理:采用Pearson卡方检验两组人群分布差异和饮食频率的差异,人群血清中有毒金属浓度不呈正态分布,因此采用Mann-Whitney U检验比较大小差异。检验显著性水平为P<0.05。




北京地区接受IVF-ET手术妇女血清内有毒金属浓度为:砷浓度10.1 (9.41,11.2) ng/ml、镉0.41 (0.15,0.50) ng/ml、汞0.23 (0.17,0.33) ng/ml、铅0.22 (0.15,0.33) ng/ml、铬0.35 (0.26,0.46) ng/ml;烟台地区妇女血清内有毒金属浓度为:砷11.6 (10.3,13.8) ng/ml、镉0.14 (0.11,0.17) ng/ml、汞0.29 (0.21,0.41) ng/ml、铅0.48 (0.30,1.71) ng/ml、铬0.24 (0.17,0.37) ng/ml。北京地区接受IVF-ET手术妇女血清中镉和铬的浓度显著高于烟台地区妇女,烟台地区接受IVF-ET手术妇女体内砷、汞和铅的浓度水平显著高于北京地区妇女,差异均有统计学意义。见表2。

表1 北京烟台两地行IVF-ET手术妇女基本特征比较[n(%)]
Table 1 Characteristics of women undergoing IVF-ET in Beijing and Yantai[n(%)]

CharacteristicsBeijing(n=127)Yantai(n=178)Age <35104(81.9)142(79.8)# ≥3523(18.1)36(20.2)BMI(kg/m2) ≤25102(80.3)#132(74.2) >2525(19.7)#46(25.8)Occupation Farmer14(11.0)12(6.7) Non-farmer113(89.0)166(93.3)Passive smoking No69(55.2)107(61.1) Yes56(44.8)68(38.9)

Note:#Total number may not be equal to the number of cases or controls due to missing or unknown data

表2 北京烟台两地行IVF-ET手术妇女体内五种(砷、镉、汞、铅、铬)有毒金属浓度水平比较(单位:ng/ml)
Table 2 Comparison of toxic metals (As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr) concentrations(ng/ml) of women undergoing IVF-ET in Beijing and Yantai

MetalsBeijing (n=127)Yantai (n=178)Arsenic10.1 (9.4, 11.2)11.6 (10.3, 13.8)∗Cadmium0.41 (0.15, 0.50)∗0.14 (0.11, 0.17)Mecury0.23 (0.17, 0.33)0.29 (0.21, 0.41)∗Lead0.22 (0.15, 0.33)0.48 (0.30, 1.71)∗Chromium0.35 (0.26, 0.46)∗0.24 (0.17, 0.37)

Note:Data were shown as median value (inter-quartile range); Mann-Whitney U test,*P<0.05





表3 血清有毒金属浓度与饮食频率的关系

Table 3 Correlation between serum toxic metal concentration and dietary frequency

Dietary habitsAdjustedOR (95% CI)aArsenicCadmiumMercuryLeadChromiumMeat1.1 (0.8~1.6)0.8 (0.6~1.1)1.3 (1.0~1.8)1.2 (0.9~1.7)0.8 (0.7~1.4)Fresh vegetables0.9 (0.7~1.4)0.8 (0.6~1.2)1.0 (0.8~1.4)1.1 (0.8~1.5)1.3 (0.9~1.7)Fresh fruits1.1 (0.8~1.5)1.0 (0.7~1.3)1.3 (1.0~1.7)1.0 (0.8~1.4)1.1 (0.8~1.4)Grilled foods1.0 (0.6~1.7)1.2 (0.8~2.0)1.3 (0.9~2.2)1.0 (0.6~1.7)0.8 (0.5~1.3)Fried foods1.0 (0.6~1.5)0.9 (0.6~1.4)1.5 (1.0~2.2)1.3 (0.8~2.0)0.9 (0.6~1.5)

a Calculated by using binary Logistic regression adjusted for maternal age, BMI, and city

表4 不同研究中的人群血清有毒金属浓度比较(单位:ng/ml)

Table 4 Comparison of serum toxic metal concentrations in populations from different studies (ng/ml)

Country/Region GroupAsCdHgPbCrThis study,ChinaBeijing+Yantai,ChinaTotal10.8 (9.78~12.56)a0.16 (0.12~0.35) a0.27 (0.19~0.37) a0.35 (0.20~0.74) a0.28 (0.19~0.42) aBeijing, ChinaHealthy control10.1 (9.41~11.15) a0.41 (0.15~0.50) a0.23 (0.17~0.33) a0.22 (0.15~0.33) a0.35 (0.26~0.46) aYantai, ChinaHealthy control11.6 (10.30~13.79) a0.14 (0.11~0.17) a0.29 (0.21~0.41) a0.48 (0.30~1.71) a0.24 (0.17~0.37) aBrazil[10]Healthy1.20 b///1.20 bTaiwan[11], Chinacontrol11.6±2.92 c 1.37±0.31 c12.6±4.59 c//Xiamen[12], chinacontrol8.47 b0.18 b//1.42 bUSA[13]Healthy7.90 b0.18 b1.40±1.38 c0.76±0.43 c/Norway[14]Healthy2.09±2.08 c0.23±0.26 c2.88 b0.73 b/USA[15]Healthy//1.50±1.33 c1.03±0.63 c/

Note:"/"Unreported; a Data were shown as median value (inter-quartile range);b Data were shown as geometrical mean; c Data were shown as mean±standard deviation








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Relationship between the levels of toxic metals in serum of women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer surgery and their dietary habits in coastal and inland cities

XIE Jing, WANG Bin, LI Zhiwen, ZHUANG Lili, HAO Cuifang, LIANG Rong, LU Qun, YAN Lailai, CHENG Zixi, ZHANG Jingxu.

Institute of Reproductive and Child Health, Peking University/ Key Laboratory of Reproductive Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Peking UniversityBeijing 100191, China

[Abstract] Objective To compare the difference of the concentrations of toxic metals in the serum of women undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) between Beijing and Yantai, and to explore the potential factors that affect the differences of toxic metal concentrations.MethodsA total of 305 women undergoing IVF-ET surgery were recruited in this study from 2015 to 2017, including 127 from Beijing People's Hospital and 178 from Yuhuangding Hospital in Yantai. Blood samples were collected prior to the IVF-ET treatment cycle and serum was obtained by centrifugation. A total of five toxic heavy metals(arsenic, chromium, cadmium, lead, mercury) in serum were detected using inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometer. General characteristics and dietary habits were collected by questionnaires.ResultsThe serum concentrations [shown as median (interquartile range)] of toxic metals in women of Beijing undergoing IVF-ET were as follows:arsenic [10.1 (9.41-11.2) ng/ml], cadmium [0.41 (0.15-0.50) ng/ml], mercury [0.23 (0.17-0.33) ng/ml], lead [0.22 (0.15-0.33) ng/ml], chromium [0.35 (0.26-0.46) ng/ml]. The serum concentrations of toxic metals in women of Yantai were as follows:arsenic [11.6 (10.3-13.8) ng/ml], cadmium [0.14 (0.11-0.17) ng/ml], mercury [0.29 (0.21-0.41) ng/ml], lead [0.48 (0.30-1.71) ng/ml], chromium [0.24 (0.17-0.37) ng/ml], respectively. Serum concentrations of cadmium and chromium of women in Beijing were significantly higher than those in Yantai. Concentrations of arsenic, mercury and lead of women in Yantai were significantly higher than those in Beijing. Overall, the levels of toxic heavy metals in the women population in both places are lower than those in general population No significant difference was showed in the frequency of consumption of meat (including seafood), fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, grilled foods and fried foods.ConclusionThere were significant differences in the concentrations of toxic metals in the serum of women undertaking IVF-ET surgery between Yantai and Beijing,but both were not significantly higher than those of the general population. No dietary habits were found to affect serum metal concentrations of women in this study.

[Key words] toxic metals; in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer; serum; dietary habits


