

单立刚 李存保 马多 张丽娟 高爱敏

【摘要】 目的 讨论孕前午睡与目前夜眠时长对孕晚期正常孕妇疲劳程度的影响。 方法 收集2020年1~12月于厦门大学医学院第二附属医院就诊的正常孕晚期(孕28周~分娩)孕妇490例,收集其一般人口学信息与临床资料,记录孕前午睡与目前夜眠有效睡眠时长,排除3例缺失夜眠时长样本,有效样本487例。按孕前是否午睡分为午睡(n=332)和无午睡(n=141),依据美国国家睡眠基金会建议,以7 h为界点,结合目前夜眠有效睡眠时长≤7 h(n=165)和>7 h(n=308)进行分组。对各组样本进行一般资料调查,采用FS-14量表量化孕晚期妇女疲劳程度,将得分整理为总分、躯体疲劳得分、脑力疲劳得分三个项目,分析午睡、夜眠时长效应的交互作用、不同主效应的差异及夜眠时长与FS-14得分相关性。 结果 FS-14总分、FS-14躯体疲劳得分组间差异有统计学意义,FS-14脑力疲劳得分组间差异无统计学意义。无午睡且夜眠≤7 h组孕妇FS-14总分、躯体疲劳得分、脑力疲劳得分均最高,无午睡且夜眠>7 h的孕妇三项得分均值为最低分。不论孕前是否午睡,夜眠时长>7 h,其疲劳总分、躯体疲劳得分均较低。 结论 孕前午睡与目前夜眠时长均会影响孕妇的疲劳,以躯体疲劳为主;孕前午睡,尤其孕后夜眠时长>7 h有助于孕妇疲劳缓解。

【关键词】 孕前午睡;夜眠时长;孕晚期;疲劳

睡眠(sleep)是机体休息的重要方式,有效而充足的睡眠可充分恢复个体的体力、精力,有利于维持人类躯体和心理健康[1]。正常成年人每日推荐睡眠时长7~8 h,包括夜眠与午睡等形式,午睡作为一种对夜眠时长不足的补充形式,可以改善睡眠不足造成的疲劳、焦虑、注意力不集中等症状。尽管睡眠需求可能因年龄和性别而异,但美国国家睡眠基金会建议成人每 24 h睡眠7 h至8 h [2],7 h为每日睡眠最低限。孕晚期妇女因多方面因素导致睡眠不足[3],基于2017年国内五省孕妇睡眠时间横断面调查结果,23.9%的孕妇睡眠时长≤7h[4]。疲劳(fatigue)是一种非特异性症状,文献报道60%的孕晚期妇女存在疲劳[5],而疲劳会直接影响分娩启动时间、持续时间及分娩形式,并导致孕产妇和婴儿出现一系列短期和长期并发症[6]。孕期睡眠不足是孕妇疲劳的原因之一,增加睡眠时间有可能预防、改善或减少孕妇的疲劳[7]。之前的研究多关注孕期午睡[8],而尚未把孕前午睡对疲劳的影响做为关注点。本研究旨在分析孕前午睡与目前夜眠时长对孕妇孕晚期疲劳程度的影响,探讨睡眠在孕晚期疲劳中的作用。



本研究采用方便取样法收集样本,连续收集2020年1~12月于厦门大学医学院第二附属医院就诊的妊娠妇女。纳入标准:(1)签署知情同意书;(2)符合国家生育政策;(3)年龄20~40周岁;(4)孕28~42周,孕妇无临产迹象;(5)孕妇无合并症;(6)单胎且胎儿无异常;(7)能够阅读且理解问卷内容。排除标准:(1)不同意参加研究者;(2)临产或已进入产程者;(3)存在妊娠合并症及并发症、合并重大器质性疾病及内分泌系统疾病;(4)具有明确精神病史、智力障碍、药物及酒精滥用者;(5)无法进行沟通交流者;(6)胎儿存在异常者。本研究经厦门大学医学院附属第二医院伦理委员会批准(批件号2020028),符合各项伦理规范。本次研究共招募妊娠晚期490名孕妇,排除3例缺失夜眠时长样本,有效样本487例。孕妇年龄17~43周岁,平均年龄为(29.1±4.1)周岁,孕周28+1~40+6周。参照夜眠时长及孕前是否午睡对研究样本进行分组,分为“夜眠时长(≤7h)+无午睡”组、“夜眠时长(≤7h)+午睡”组、“夜眠时长(>7h) +无午睡”组、“夜眠时长(>7h)+午睡”组4组。


1. 资料收集:研究过程中由项目组专职医护人员进行资料收集,签署知情同意书后进行一般资料采集,使用疲劳评定量表(Fatigue Scale-14,FS-14)[9]进行调查研究。一般资料包括年龄、教育程度、孕前午睡与目前夜眠时长、身高、 体重等自然信息,记录部分临床信息,如血压、肝功、血糖等项目。FS-14量表用以评定受试者疲劳程度及特征,该量表含14项是非选择题,每题记1分,题目分为躯体疲劳及脑力疲劳两部分,1~8项反映躯体疲劳,主要评估受试者对疲劳的自我感受及疲劳对机体的直接影响,例如是否疲劳、是否嗜睡、是否力不从心、是否存在肌力下降等;9~14项反映脑力疲劳,主要涉及注意力、思维能力、语言表达能力、记忆力、兴趣爱好等方面。二者分别占8分、6分,总分14分,各部分得分越高则代表该测试部分疲劳越严重。采用FS-14量表量化孕晚期妇女疲劳程度,将得分整理为总分、躯体疲劳得分、脑力疲劳得分三个项目进行分析。

2. 质量控制:所有入组者均已明确知晓研究意义,理解填写内容,问卷不记名,填写完毕后交由调查人员检查完成程度,并补充遗漏项目。使用Epidata 3.1软件双录入数据,确保录入准确。

3. 统计学处理:全部数据应用SPSS 23.0软件进行分析,采用频数、百分率、均数±标准差对妊娠晚期妇女的一般资料进行描述,采用卡方检验、方差分析(ANOVA)进行妊娠末期各组间一般资料的均衡性检验。FS-14总分、躯体疲劳得分、脑力疲劳得分因其设计不存在正态性,不符合正态性分布(P<0.01),对其进行Levene方差齐性检验,符合方差齐性(P>0.1), 采用2(是否午睡)X2(夜眠有效时长是否大于7 h)的组内设计ANOVA分析二者间交互作用,采用协方差分析(ANCOVA)与广义线性模型(GLM)对组间资料进行最小显著差异(LSD)t检验LSD/简单效应分析,使用Graphpad prism 8.0完成作图。所有检验取双尾,P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。

结 果




由表2、图1可以看出,夜眠时长≤7 h且无午睡组FS-14总分、躯体疲劳得分、脑力疲劳得分三项得分均为最高分,表明该组孕妇最为疲劳,之后是夜眠时长≤7 h且午睡组及夜眠时长>7 h且午睡组,夜眠时长>7 h且无午睡组三项得分为最低分。不论孕前是否午睡,夜眠时长>7 h的组别,其疲劳总分、躯体疲劳得分均较低。FS-14总分、FS-14躯体疲劳得分组间差异有统计学意义, FS-14脑力疲劳得分组间差异没有统计学意义。



表1 基本资料比较
Table 1 Basic and Demographic characteristics by different sleeping modes

VariablesSleep duration (≤7h)Without daytime napn%Daytime napn%Sleep duration (>7h)Without daytime napn%Daytime napn%Age(years) ≤ 241020.0108.11818.22813.1 24<-<353264.010282.27070.716878.5 ≥ 35816.0129.71111.1188.4Education (years)* ≤Junior high school1637.21813.94140.65726.6 Senior high school818.62519.42726.74521.0 ≥ College1944.28666.73332.711252.4Pre-pregnant BMI(kg/m2) Underweight(≤18.5)1326.02822.11212.03717.6 Normal weight(18.5<-<24)2958.07659.86868.013664.8 Obesity(≥24.0)816.02318.12020.03717.6


表2 孕晚期FS-14分数得分组间比较
Table 2 FS-14 scores in the third trimester of pregnancy by sleep duration and daytime

GroupnTotal fatigue scores*Physical fatigue scores*Metal fatigue scoresWithout daytime nap before pregnancy & sleep duration≤7 h435.3±3.43.8±2.41.5±1.5Daytime nap before pregnancy & sleep duration ≤7 h1294.3±3.02.8±2.31.4±1.3Without daytime nap before pregnancy & sleep duration>7 h1013.6±2.72.3±2.21.3±1.2Daytime nap before pregnancy & sleep duration >7 h2143.8±2.72.4±2.31.4±1.2

ANCOVA was used to calculate the interaction of Sleep duration and daytime nap on FS-14 scores, *P<0.05


四、孕前午睡且目前夜眠时长≤7 h组孕妇夜眠时长与疲劳的关系


A:The differences of FS-14 fatigue total scores among four groups; B:The differences of FS-14 physical fatigue scores among four groups;C:The differences of FS-14 mental fatigue scores among four groups.*P<0.05
图1 各组间FS-14各项目得分比较
Figure 1 The effects of daytime nap before pregnancy and sleep duration on fatigue in the third trimester of pregnancy using general linear models

表3 孕前午睡与不同夜眠有效时长对孕晚期疲劳程度的影响
Table 3 The effects ofdaytime nap before pregnancy and sleep duration on fatigue in the third trimester of pregnancy

EffectsTotal fatigue scoresFPPhysical fatigue scoresFPMetal fatigue scoresFPDaytime nap (with or without)1.130.2892.410.1210.160.688Sleep duration≤ 7h / sleep duration > 7h14.440.000*18.120.000*0.780.378Daytime nap (with or without)×sleep duration(≤ 7h or > 7h)5.140.024*6.460.011*0.270.601


表4 疲劳评分的简单效应分析
Table 4 The simple effect analysis of fatigue scores

EffectsTotal fatigue scoresLSDPLSD*Physical fatigue scoresLSDPLSD*(Without daytime nap before pregnancy & sleep duration≤7h)-(Without daytime nap before pregnancy & sleep duration>7h)1.810.0001.640.000(Without daytime nap before pregnancy & sleep duration≤7h)-(Daytime nap be-fore pregnancy & sleep duration ≤7h)1.040.0380.990.014(Without daytime nap before pregnancy & sleep duration≤7h)-(Daytime nap be-fore pregnancy & sleep duration >7h)1.460.0021.140.000(Daytime nap before pregnancy & sleep duration ≤7h)-(Without daytime nap be-fore pregnancy & sleep duration>7h)0.770.0430.650.030


A:The correlation between FS-14 total score and sleep duration;B:The correlation between FS-14 physical fatigue score and sleep duration;C:The correlation between FS-14 mental fatigue score and sleep duration
图2 孕前午睡且目前夜眠时长≤7 h孕妇夜眠时长与疲劳的关系(以年龄为协变量)
Figure 2 The correlation between sleep duration and fatigue of pregnant women who took a nap before pregnancy and sleep duration in the third trimester ≤7 h

讨 论

本研究报道了孕前午睡与夜眠时长共同对孕晚期孕妇疲劳的影响。本研究主要发现是否午睡与夜眠时长的交互作用对FS-14总分、FS-14躯体疲劳得分存在影响,即孕前无午睡且夜眠≤7 h组孕妇FS-14总分、躯体疲劳得分均为最高分,表明该组孕妇最疲劳。究其原因,与该组孕妇每日睡眠总时长不足有关。Hall等[10]认为孕晚期妇女睡眠时长、睡眠质量与其疲劳症状存在负相关,Gay等[11]也提出疲劳与睡眠障碍呈正相关,且指出晚期孕妇疲劳得分与睡眠总时长有较高的相关度。本研究也发现,孕晚期妇女每日睡眠总时长越短其疲劳程度越为严重,通过对夜眠时长分别与FS-14各项得分行相关性分析,均呈负相关,表明夜眠时长>7 h对缓解躯体疲劳具有积极作用。




综上所述,孕前无午睡且目前夜眠时长小于7 h对孕妇目前的疲劳程度影响最大,其中主要体现为躯体疲劳。为了优生优育、计划内怀孕妇女应保持孕前午睡的习惯且持久的夜眠最好大于7 h;对于孕前没有午睡习惯的孕妇,为了降低疲劳应保持夜眠时长>7 h。本研究拟后期追踪随访该批被试,并招募孕后午睡的被试,进一步比较午睡对孕晚期妇女疲劳的影响。


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Study on the correlation between pre-pregnancy day nap and sleep duration in the third trimester of pregnancy on fatigue

SHAN Ligang, LI Cunbao, MA Duo, ZHANG Lijuan, GAO Aimin.

Department of pathophysiology,School of Basic Medical SciencesInner Mongolia Medical UniversityHohhot 010110,China

[Abstract] Objective To explore the effects of prepregnancy day nap and sleep duration in the third trimester on the fatigue of healthy pregnant women. Methods 490 pregnant women in the third trimester during January to December 2020 were collected from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Xiamen University. Demographic information and general clinical data were collected. The effective sleep duration of prepregnancy day nap and night sleep in the third trimester were recorded. Three cases with missing sleep duration were excluded and 487 samples were included in the final analysis. Two groups were divided as nap group who had nap before pregnancy (n=332) and no nap group (n=141), nocturnal sleep ≤ 7 h (n=165) and nocturnal sleep > 7 h (n=308) were further divided according to the recommendations of the National Sleep Foundation of the United States (7 h as the boundary point). Information on general characteristics by group was investigated. Fatigue Scale-14 (FS-14) was used to quantify the fatigue degree of women in the third trimester of pregnancy. The scores were sorted into three categories:total score, physical fatigue score and mental fatigue score. The interaction of nap and night sleep duration effect, the difference of different main effects and the correlation between night sleep duration and FS-14 score were analyzed. Results There was significant difference in FS-14 total score, FS-14 physical fatigue score, however, no significant difference in FS-14 mental fatigue score. The total score of FS-14, physical fatigue score and mental fatigue score of pregnant women without nap and sleep at night ≤ 7 h were the highest, and the mean value of the three scores of pregnant women without nap and sleep at night > 7 h was the lowest. The total fatigue score and physical fatigue score were lower when the sleep duration was more than 7 h, whether or not taking a nap before pregnancy. Conclusion Prepregnancy nap and the current length of night sleep will affect the fatigue of pregnant women, especially affect physical fatigue; Taking a nap before pregnancy, night sleep >7 h is helpful to alleviate the fatigue of pregnant women.

[Key words] pre-pregnancy nap; sleep duration; the third trimester; fatigue




【中图分类号】 R17
