

鲍筝 常新蕾王曼丽 安琳

摘要目的了解北京市通州区近五年来6岁以下儿童预警征筛查情况,为今后社区卫生服务中心规范开展相关服务提供参考。方法本研究以2012年10月到2017年11月出生、2018年2月之前在通州区各社区卫生服务中心接受过预警征筛查的0~6岁儿童作为研究对象,共69 189人,以预警征为工具在关键年龄点对儿童进行心理行为发育迟缓筛查,每个年龄点有4个筛查条目,涉及儿童语言、个人社交、精细动作、大运动4个能区维度,最后对筛查结果进行分析。结果按时连续参与预警征筛查的儿童比例为24.1%。预警征筛查阳性的儿童比例为1.0%,男童、早产儿和低出生体重儿中阳性比例更高。18月龄(0.6%)、2岁(0.7%)及2岁半(0.6%)预警征筛查阳性比例较高,4岁及5岁年龄点均无筛查阳性的结果。3月龄、6月龄和12月龄的儿童的阳性多体现在大运动方面,8月龄儿童多体现在精细动作方面;18月龄到3岁儿童发育迟缓主要体现在语言方面。结论社区卫生服务中心工作人员需动员辖区内更多儿童按时连续参与筛查,特别关注辖区内男童、早产儿和低出生体重儿的发育状况,考虑不同年龄段特征进行有针对性地帮助和辅导。

关键词儿童发育; 运动能力; 筛查

作者单位:101101 北京,北京市通州区妇幼保健院儿童群体保健科(鲍筝);北京大学公共卫生学院妇幼卫生学系(常新蕾,王曼丽,安琳)

儿童发育迟缓是发育性残疾的一种,特指6岁以下儿童在粗大运动/精细运动、语言/言语、认知、社会/个人、日常活动能力等发育领域中存在2个或2个以上的明显落后[1]。随着社会经济水平和居民健康意识的提升,儿童的心理行为发育问题得到了越来越多的关注,在中国约有1 500万儿童存在心理行为发育问题[2]。由于早期儿童大脑的可塑性以及大脑发育易受环境影响,因而0~3岁是早期识别和干预发育迟缓儿童的关键时期,早筛查早识别早干预,可以改善儿童的发育。








2.统计学处理:应用SPSS 20.0进行统计分析,分类变量采用频数和百分比来描述,组间比较采用χ2检验;数值变量通过集中趋势和离散趋势来描述。P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。


接受预警征筛查的儿童共69 189人,随年龄的增加,筛查次数达标的比例递减,月龄小于6月龄的儿童接受预警征筛查比例为100%,现时年龄小于8月龄的儿童平均筛查次数均达到标准次数,其余年龄段儿童的平均水平均未达标。31 597名2岁以下儿童中,7 623名儿童按时接受筛查,占24.1%。见表1。

Table1The current age distribution and screening times among children

Current ageNumber%The quantiles of screening times between 2016 and 2018P25P50P75Compared with standard*Standard timesN(%)0~<1 year11 61716.8 5 495(47.3) 2≤~<3 months1180.21110118(100.0) 3≤~<6 months2 7904.011112 790(100.0) 6≤~<8 months2 7043.912221 661(61.4) 8≤~<12 months6 0058.72223926(15.4)1≤~<2 years19 98028.9 2 128(10.7) 12≤~<18 months10 87715.723341 288(11.8) 18≤~<24 months9 10313.23445840(9.2)2≤~<3 years10 12814.6---- -3≤~<4 years15 16421.9---- -4≤~<5 years9 45613.7---- -5≤~<6 years2 8444.1---- -Total 69 189100.0

*According to the new standard conducted in 2016, the standard times is calculated by the key age points of WSC, and it refers to the number of children with screening times which meeted the standard. For the children whose current age was less than 2, they were screened according to the new standard since they were born and only the screening times of those children were analyzed.


调查的69 189名儿童中,在任一关键年龄点接受预警征筛查结果为阳性的儿童有694名,占1.0%。其中35 211名男童中,预警征筛查阳性共计477名,占1.3%;33 284名女童中,预警征筛查阳性共计217名,占0.7%;男童预警征阳性率高于女童(P<0.001)。分析高危因素,发现低出生体重儿和早产儿预警征阳性率高于非低出生体重儿和非早产儿,见表2。


Table2The positive results of WSC among children with high risk factors

Risk factorsTotal numberPositive numberPositivity rate(%)PLow birthweight(<2500g)<0.001 Yes988252.5 No68 2016691.0Preterm birth(<37 weeks)<0.001 Yes1 591392.5 No67 5986551.0Age of mother ≥35 years old0.094 Yes1 02750.5 No68 1626891.0Gestational diabetes0.507 Yes66850.7 No68 5216891.0Moderate gestational hypertension syndrome or worse0.136 Yes7322.7 No69 1166921.0

Table3Positive results of WSC in different age groups

AgeTotal numberPositive numberPositivity rate(%)Number with detaileddelayed domainsMissing*(%)3 months37 651900.26923.36 months36 109490.12842.98 months10 406310.32035.512 months36 852880.26822.718 months35 8732130.6 14133.82 years25 8631750.7 12826.92.5 years17 9331040.6 7032.73 years9 671360.32433.34 years15600.000.005 years100.000.00Total69 1896941.0

Note:There was statistical significance in the positivity rates of different age groupsThe total positive number is the number of children with a positive WSC screening result at any age group; *Missing means the number of children with positive screening results and without detailed records of delayed domains;There was no statistical significance in the characteristics between children with no detailed records of delayed domains and children with detailed records.

图1 各年龄段儿童分性别预警征筛查阳性比例
Figure 1 The percentage of WSC positive by gender among children in different age groups



Table4The distribution of delayed domains among WSC positive children in different age groups (%)

Domains3 months6 months8 months12 months18 months2 years2.5 years3 yearsGross motor skill82.667.935.045.624. communication17.428.60.027.920. motor skill-10.760.025.0-3.1- 25.0

图2 各年龄段预警征阳性儿童的阳性维度分布情况(%)
Figure 2 The distribution of delayed domains of WSC positive children in different age groups (%)





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[Abstract]ObjectiveTo explore the early warning screening status by warning signs checklist (WSC) of children aged below 6 years old in the past 5 years in Tongzhou District of Beijing, and provide evidence for the future implementation of relevant services by community health service centers.MethodsThis study included 69,189 children younger than 6 years old born between October 2012 and November 2017 and received WSC screening before February 2018 in healthcare centers in Tongzhou District, Beijing. The WSC was used to screen developmental delay of psychology and behavior among children at key age points, and each age point has four items involving children’s language, personal communication, fine motor skill and gross motor skill domains.ResultsThe proportions of children who received continuous WSC screening on time and who were positive for WSC were 24.1% and 1%, respectively. The positive rate was higher among boys, premature and low birth weight delivery. At age points of 18 months (0.6%), 2 years old (0.7%) and 2 and a half years old (0.6%), the positivity rates were relatively high, and there were no positive results at age points of 4 and 5 years old. Among children with positive results, gross motor skill is the main delayed domain at ages of 3, 6 and 12 months, fine motor skill is the main delayed domain at 8 months, and language is the main delayed domain at age between 18 months and 3 years.ConclusionThe community healthcare center should mobilize more children to take WSC screening on time, regularly and continually. The staff should pay more attention to the developmental situation of boys, premature and low birth weight children, and they also should provide targeted advice or help in considering the developmental characteristics of different age periods.

[Keywords]child development; motor skills; screening


