

韩英 韦茹 胡丹丹

【摘要】 目的 探讨多学科联合会诊诊疗模式在特殊健康状态儿童免疫接种中的应用。 方法 对同时涉及多个专科疾病的特殊健康状态儿童预约登记,组织院内免疫科、遗传代谢与内分泌科、神经内科、心脏内科、外科医生组成评估专家组进行定期会诊形成医学接种评估建议,特需人群接种门诊追踪随访并提供帮助和指导。 结果 经多学科会诊为34例特殊健康状态儿童制定最佳免疫接种方案,共13个科室的111位专家参与会诊,受邀参与会诊的专科参与率100%,会诊次数最多的科室为神经内科,所占比例为28.6%。随访实施免疫接种27例,接种率为79.4%,接种255剂次,一般不良反应发生率0.4%。 结论 多学科会诊能更专业、精准地为特殊健康状态儿童提供综合评估服务,增强家长对预防接种的信心,提高疫苗接种的依从性。同时能深化学科间交流,有效推进医疗和预防的融合。

【关键词】 多学科会诊; 特殊健康状态; 儿童; 特需人群接种门诊; 免疫接种

近年来,在以患者为中心的大趋势背景下,由于专病化诊疗模式的局限性,多学科联合会诊(multidisciplinary team,MDT)已成为当今医学界广泛认可和推广的诊疗模式。特殊健康状态儿童是指存在基础疾病或疑似疫苗接种慎用征的儿童。鉴于部分特殊健康状态儿童所患基础疾病的多样性、复杂性,由此牵涉到多个学科,单独专科很难全面评估和把握病情。目前,鲜有MDT应用于特殊健康状态儿童免疫接种的报道。本研究通过收集MDT的特殊健康状态儿童病种、会诊专科、医学接种评估建议,并随访免疫接种后原发病转归及不良反应发生情况,旨在为特殊健康状态儿童免疫接种的多学科会诊管理模式提供参考,将医防融合落实于特殊健康状态儿童的免疫接种领域。









5.统计学处理:数据录入采用EPI data 3.1软件,使用SPSS 13.0统计软件分析。

结 果










表1 接种部分疫苗患儿疾病诊断与医学评估建议对照表

Table 1 Comparison table of disease diagnosis and medical evaluation recommendations for children vaccinated with partial vaccines

CaseAgeDiagnosisDepartmentMedical evaluation recommendationsand analysis16 mthsSevere pneumonia(non-tu-berculous mycobacterial disease)Respiratory, Im-munology,SVC∗NLV∗, PIIV∗Analysis:No abnormality in genetic examination, the child is using drugs to treat mycobacterial disease.IgG is slightly lower, and it is recommended to re-view immunoglobulin and combine lymphocyte count to evaluate the vaccination of attenuated live vaccine at the age of 1 year.27 mths1.Bronchopulmonary dysplasiaoriginating from perinatal period2.Atrial septal defect3.Delayed development index4.Intracranial hemorrhageRespiratory,Neurology,SVC∗NLV∗, PIIV∗Analysis:Oxygenation status(high flow ventilation with a non-invasive domestic ventilator) is not a contraindication for vaccination.The premature infant was repeatedly infused with blood products for many times during hospitalization af-ter birth.Vaccine containing measles component is postponed for returning visit after 2 months.31yrs 5mths1.Atrial septal defect2.Left ventricular diverticulumCardiology,SVC∗NLV∗, PIIV∗During aspirin treatment, varicella vaccine is not administered to avoid inducing Reye syndrome.Live attenuated influenza vaccine is contraindicated.Analysis:Aspirin is taken at the age of 3 months, and LVEF is 52%.42 yrs 4 mths1.Epilepsy2.Delayed development index3.NeutropeniaNeurology, He-matology,SVC∗NLV∗Analysis:The child with SCN2A gene mutation, application of sodium valproate and oxcarbazepine, neutrophil fluctuation.53 yrs 2 mths1.Netherton syndrome 2.Chromosome abnormalityImmunology,Genetic Metabo-lism and endo-crinology,Dermatology,SVC∗NLV∗Description:The patients are injected with secukinumab and dupilumab every month.Analysis:Children treated with long-term monoclonal antibodies, the vaccine and preparation instructions should be studied before vaccination, and drug compatibility contraindications are analyzed.It is recommended that the interval between the application of such monoclonal antibody and vaccination should be at least 2 weeks.64 yrs 4 mths1.Propionic acidemia2.Liver transplantation status3.Symptomatic epilepsy4.Delayed development in-dexHepatobiliary surgery, Immu-nology,SVC∗NLV∗, PIIV∗Description:Cyclosporine and mycophenolate mofetil are used as immunosup-pressants.Antiepileptic drugs have been stopped, but the EEG is still abnor-mal.


caseAgeDiagnosisDepartmentMedical evaluation recommendationsand analysis710 yrs1.Spinal muscular atrophy(II)2.Malnutrition3.Other artificial stoma status of gastrointestinal tract(gastrostomy)Neurology,Immunology,SVC∗NLV∗, PIIV∗Description:Variation of exons 7 and 8 of SMN1 gene and exons 7 and 8 of SMN2 gene.Spontaneous breathing during the day, assisted ventilation at night, the child is treatment with nusinersen every 4 months.Analysis:There are few studies on the vaccine andnusinersen.Instructions of drugs and vaccines are adhered to.81yrs 8 mths1.Immune thrombocytopenia2.Allergic rhinitisHematology, Immunology,SVC∗The second dose of MMR(measles, mumps and rubella vaccine) and varicella vaccine should be inoculated cautiously.Analysis:Thrombocytopenia is a rare adverse reaction of MMR and varicella vaccine.Children with a history of thrombocytopenia, these vaccines are vacci-nated cautiously.Children are recommended to be tested for measles antibody before vaccination, who were vaccinated with one dose of MMR and ITP histo-ry.Children with measles or varicella antibody at the protection level do not need to receive the second dose of MMR or varicella vaccine.92 yrs 6 mths1.Chronic hepatitis B2.Transaminase abnormality3.Neonatal lupusInfection,Immunology,SVC∗It is not recommended to vaccinate hepatitis B vaccine and live attenuated vac-cine.Other vaccines can be vaccinated normally.The child will be scheduled for a follow-up visit 3 months later.Description:ALT 129u/L, positive antinuclear antibodies, hepatitis B DNA quantitative negative, treatment with entecavir.101yrs 1 mths1.Immune deficiency(immunodeficiency type 30)2.Harmful effects of BCGImmunology,Infection,SVC∗The third dose of hepatitis B vaccine should be injected according to the immu-nization program.Description:There were 2 heterozygous mutations in IL12RB1 in genetic exami-nation.Her mother is infected with hepatitis B virus.The child is treated with r-interferon every other day.HBsAb is less than 10IU / ML.114 yrs 2 mths1.Autoimmune disease(NLRP3 related disease)2.Immune thrombocytopeniaImmunology,Genetic Metabo-lism and endo-crinology,SVC∗Non-live vaccines can be used under surveillance.Description:hormone(prednisone 2.5mg QD) and immunosuppressant hydroxy-chiloroquine sulfate tablets and tofacitinib citrate tablets) are used for treat-ment.

*NLV here refers to non-live vaccines are carried out according to the immunization procedure; PIIV here refers to pneumococcal and inactivated influenza vaccines are recommended;SVC here refers to special vaccination clinic.


34例患儿MDT前累计接种疫苗171剂次,平均5剂次/人,MDT后累计接种255剂次,平均12剂次/人(见表2)。接种后24 h、5 d、15 d、42 d、3 mths由随访专员根据安全观察随访表内容(基础疾病、接种疫苗名称、接种后是否发生不良反应、是否按疑似预防接种异常反应上报、不良反应变化情况以及基础疾病转归)进行随访,累计1 275次,有1例待移植慢性肾衰竭透析状态患儿接种麻腮风联合减毒活疫苗当天出现高热(热峰39.0℃,为全身不良反应),本例以疑似预防接种异常反应个案上报中国疾病预防控制信息系统,经降低透析液温度后患儿热可退,系一般不良反应,一般不良反应发生率为0.4%(1/255),无异常反应。100%(27/27)免疫接种后监测基础疾病稳定。

表2 MDT患儿免疫接种率与不良反应发生率

Table 2 Immunization rate and incidence of adverse reactions in children with MDT

Age(years)Immunization dosesBefore MDTAfter MDTExample number Vaccination rateAdverse reactionsDosesIncidence rate(%)<14673872.7001≤-<44896990.0114≤-<76379981.800≥7147150.000Total1712552779.410.4

讨 论


MDT形成于20世纪60年代,其核心理念是以患者为中心[3],涉及多系统多器官疾病时,由不同学科专家共同参与,为患者提供最佳的综合诊疗方案,有利于集中优势资源,保障医疗安全,同时促进学科间的交流与协作[4]。MDT多用于临床疾病的诊治,鲜有应用于免疫接种的文献报道。针对特殊健康状态儿童免疫接种,近年来,国内专家制定了一些共识,包括2014年免疫异常儿童疫苗接种(上海)专家共识[5]、中华医学会儿科学分会免疫学组联合《中华儿科杂志》编辑委员会2015年提出的“免疫功能异常患儿的预防接种专家共识(试行稿)” [6]、2018年特殊健康状态儿童预防接种(上海、苏州、杭州)专家共识[7]以及2020年特殊状态儿童预防接种(广东)专家共识[8]。这些共识是在既有原则下,从循证医学角度出发,汇总专家们的意见,对特殊健康状态儿童的疫苗接种问题进行分析、利弊评价,并提出解决方案或建议。然而,往往是针对一类特殊健康状态,对于基础疾病同时涉及多个专科的复杂情况,可以通过多学科平台,采用“多对一”的诊查模式,显著缩短转诊至各个专科评估的时间,避免了医师个人的主观片面性,经相关领域专家讨论,增加了评估的准确性,结合各专家意见制定个体化的免疫接种方案,使及时免疫接种/补种成为可能。通过专家介绍免疫接种计划,从专业角度解释该患儿对疫苗可预防疾病的易感性、罹患疫苗可预防疾病的健康危害,从专科角度分析免疫接种后基础疾病可能的转归方向、接种后不良反应发生情况等,实现同家长信息共享,有助于增强他们对于特殊群体免疫接种的信心。本研究通过对34例复杂疾病的特殊健康状态儿童组织MDT,为79.4%(27/34)患儿提供免疫接种方案,100%(27/27)按MDT医学评估接种建议执行,免疫接种依从性好。




1 Lehman H,Hernandez-Trujillo V,Ballow M.Diagnosing primary immunodeficiency:a practical approach for the non-immunologist.Curr Med Res Opin,2015,31:697-706.

2 韩英,胡丹丹,韦茹,等.广东省特需人群接种门诊特殊健康状态儿童预防接种探索.中国疫苗和免疫,2021,27:678-683.

3 Bannon SA,Mork M,Vilar E,et al.Patient-reported disease knowledge and educational needs in Lynch syndrome:findings of an interactive multidisciplinary patient conference.Hered Cancer Clin Pract,2014,12:1.

4 何晶波,栾瑞,潘宇,等.我院临床多学科联合会诊情况分析.中国医院管理,2015,35:34.

5 上海市医学会儿科专业委员会免疫学组,上海市免疫学会儿科临床免疫专业委员会,上海市预防医学会免疫规划专业委员会.免疫异常儿童疫苗接种(上海)专家共识.临床儿科杂志,2014,32:1181-1190.

6 中华医学会儿科学分会免疫学组.免疫功能异常患儿的预防接种专家共识(试行稿):原发性免疫缺陷病.中华儿科杂志,2015,53:898-902.

7 苏州市疾病预防控制中心,上海市疾病预防控制中心,杭州市疾病预防控制中心,等.特殊健康状态儿童预防接种专家共识之十七——白血病化疗与预防接种.中国实用儿科杂志,2019,34:266-267.

8 广东省医师协会儿科医师分会.特殊状态儿童预防接种(广东)专家共识.中华实用儿科临床杂志,2020,35:401-410.

Application of multidisciplinary consultation in immunization for children with medical conditions

HAN Ying, WEI Ru, HU Dandan. Child Healthcare Department, Guangzhou Womens and Childrens Medical Center, Guangzhou 510623, China

[Abstract] Objective To explore the application of multidisciplinary consultation in immunization of children with medical conditions. Methods Appointments and registrations were made for children with medical conditions involving multiple specialist diseases.An evaluation expert group composed of in-hospital experts in immunology, genetics, metabolism and endocrinology, neurology, cardiology, and surgeons conducted regular consultations to form medical vaccination evaluation recommendations for the children.Children were followed up and provided with guidance by special vaccination clinic. Results After multidisciplinary consultation, the optimal immunization program was formulated for 34 children with medical conditions.A total of 111 experts from 13 departments participated in the multidisciplinary team.The participation rate of the invited experts was 100%.The department with the largest number of consultations was neurology, accounting 28.6%.Follow-up immunization was performed in 27 cases.The vaccination rate was 79.4%, 255 doses were administered, and the incidence of general adverse reactions was 0.4%. Conclusion Children with medical conditions can get more professional and accurate comprehensive evaluation services by multidisciplinary consultation.Multidisciplinary consultation can enhance the confidence of parents in immunization of children with medical conditions, and thus improve the compliance of vaccination.Communication between different disciplines have been deepen, and the integration of medical treatment and prevention have been promoted.

[Key words] multidisciplinary consultation; children; medical conditions; special vaccination clinic; vaccination

【中图分类号】 R72



